Changemaking Through Friendship (Can’t Miss 5-Minute Video!)

Teju Ravilochan is one of the best examples of a changemaker we know. He has always inspired us to challenge what we believe to be possible and get even more creative when additional obstacles arrive. Because of this (and his insane ability to tell a story), we asked him to be a guest speaker at one of our fellowship coaching calls to help unpack the word “changemaker” and share how we can be changemakers in micro and macro ways.

We have attempted (and failed) to retell the story he shared about antiseptics and anesthesia from Atul Gawande’s “Slow Ideas” piece in the New Yorker. So, instead of us telling you this story, we wanted to share Teju’s summary directly!

For context, the question Teju was tackling was, “Can you share some micro and macro examples of changemaking?” The micro-changemaking story he shared before this one was about Derek Black (if you were curious what he was referencing!).

Watch the video here:


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